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Volume 1, Issue 1 (2015)

Protection of Computer Networks from the Social Engineering Attacks
Hardik K Molia, Hardik A Gohel
Page 1-5

Abstract: Social Engineering refers to the nontechnical methods of breaking security of a computerized system. Social Engineering attacks target the vulnarabilities of the people rather than of the softwares. Social engineers try to break the human trust rather than discovering ways to hack the system. Social engineers take benefits of human trust, curiosity, emotions, fear, urgency, need, lack of common sense and most importantly technical unawareness. Computer networks can be made secured from the technical attacks by using most efficent and effective firewalls, antivirus softwares, intrusion detection systems etc. But it is high time to secure the networks from the social attacks too. This paper explains human factor based social attacks and some factors to analyze for the prevention and detection purpose.

Keywords: Social Engineering, Computer Networks, Phishing, Baiting, Quid Pro Quo, Pretexting, Tailgating


A Vehicular Opportunistically Assisted Parking Scheme using Inter Vehicular Ad-hoc Network
Drashti S Baldev, Madhuri J Patel
Page 6-13

Abstract: An advanced growth in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has made Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) an area of exploration in academic and industrial levels. In Intelligent Transportation System each vehicle acts as a sender, receiver and forwarding router which broadcast safety and non-safety information across the network. The three major classes of applications are classified in VANET are safety oriented, convenience oriented and infotainment oriented. Main focus in this literature is based on assistance oriented applications like providing information about vacant parking spaces to the drivers who are cruising for it around their destination.

Keywords: Web Parking Assistance Schemes, Road side units, Sensor networks, Vehicular Networks, V2V Communications, V2I Communications, Vehicular ad-hoc network.


Intelligent Web based Secure Browsing Implementation
Hardik Gohel
Page 14-16

Abstract: The advent of the internet has changed the world with all significant ways since history of human life. The dominant growth of World Wide Web (WWW) and internet, we have entered in the world of intentional information. This paper is about to implementation of secure browsing as a part of web intelligence. The standard safe browsing and private browsing available in existing browsers are not useful to identify that queried URL is either malware, phishing or legitimate with no response body. This paper presents the implementation of secure browsing experimental API to allow applications to check URL against updated lists of suspected malware and phishing pages of any website.

Keywords: Secure browsing, Web API, Malware, Phishing


Decision Support System in Diabetes Disease with Providing Health Care Services
Jigna Patel, Dr. Priyanka Sharma
Page 17-24

Abstract: Decision support System in diabetes to improve the life of patients who are suffering from diabetes disease. Disease improvement is one of the applications where Data Mining techniques are showing effective results. Data Mining techniques have been widely used to mine knowledgeable information from medical database. Most countries face high and extending rates of Diabetes Disease. Diabetes is the main reason behind death all around all through the world in the previous ten years. This thesis covers the different fields of decision support system for the diabetes patients. The objective of the study of health care system to explore new and emerging areas of data mining for the data mining techniques. Function performed and algorithms used in these tools have been analyzed. Disease diagnosis is one of the application where data mining tools are proving successful result. Computer based information along with advanced Data mining techniques are used for appropriate results. The system needs patients information and gives them advice according to their condition entered by them. It also provides adequate and detail information about the patient to the health-care providers that help them to take an optimal decision. Diabetes disease is the leading cause of death all over the world in the past ten years. Several researchers are using statistical and data mining tools to help health care professionals in the diagnosis of Diabetes disease.

Keywords: Data Mining; Decision Support System; Health care;Health records;


Smart City: Concept and Challenges
Pinaki Ghosh, Dr. T R Mahesh
Page 25-27

Abstract: Cities are engines of growth for the economy of every nation. Urban development is turning out to be progressively dependent on powerful utilization of intelligent services. To provide better administrations to all the citizens and enhancing the effectiveness of organization procedures, the idea of a smart city has been praised as a promising answer for the coming challenge of global urbanization. Development of smart city is a step in this direction.

Keywords: Smart City, Challenges, Global Urbanization, ICT, IoT


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